Projector: Usage

Regular readers of Styling Android may already be aware that I am very much in favour of using a build server to speed up my builds. In the past, I have documented how I use Mainframer and Mirakle. I have a very meaty 6 core i9 8950HK with 32Gb RAM, and 512Gb SSD running a…

Projector: Setup

Regular readers of Styling Android may already be aware that I am very much in favour of using a build server to speed up my builds. In the past, I have documented how I use Mainframer and Mirakle. I have a very meaty 6 core i9 8950HK with 32Gb RAM, and 512Gb SSD running a…

Vectors For All (slight return)

Regular readers of Styling Android will know of my love of VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable. While (at the time of writing) we’re still waiting for VectorDrawableCompat so we can only use them on API 21 (Lollipop) and later. However, Android Studio keeps added some backwards compatibility to the build tools so we can actually begin to…

Vectors For All (almost)

Regular readers of Styling Android will know of my love of VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable. While (at the time of writing) we’re still waiting for VectorDrawableCompat so we can only use them on API 21 (Lollipop) and later. However, the release of Android Studio 1.4 has just added some backwards compatibility to the build tools so…