Muselee is a demo app which allows the user to browse popular music artists. It is not intended to be a fully-featured user app, but a vehicle to explore good app architecture, how to implement current best-practice, and explore how the two often go hand in hand. Moreover it will be used to explore how…
Author: Mark Allison
Muselee 3: Dependency Injection
Muselee is a demo app which allows the user to browse popular music artists. It is not intended to be a fully-featured user app, but a vehicle to explore good app architecture, how to implement current best-practice, and explore how the two often go hand in hand. Moreover it will be used to explore how…
Muselee 2: Basic Modules
Muselee is a demo app which allows the user to browse popular music artists. It is not intended to be a fully-featured user app, but a vehicle to explore good app architecture, how to implement current best-practice, and explore how the two often go hand in hand. Moreover it will be used to explore how…
Muselee 1: Library Versions
Muselee is a demo app which allows the user to browse popular music artists. It is not intended to be a fully-featured user app, but a vehicle to explore good app architecture, how to implement current best-practice, and explore how the two often go hand in hand. Moreover it will be used to explore how…
Rialto: Downloadable Fonts
Rialto is a new Android text styling library based upon Annotation Spans. Rialto enables you to provide consistent text formatting throughout your app by using annotations in your string resources. Previously we have looked at how to use Rialto, some of the features added to V1.1.0, and I am extremely pleased to release Rialto 1.2.0…
Rialto: V1.1.0
Rialto is a new Android text styling library based upon Annotation Spans. Rialto enables you to provide consistent text formatting throughout your app by using annotations in your string resources. Previously we have looked at how to use Rialto, and I am extremely please to release Rialto 1.1.0 which contains some (hopefully!) useful new features.
Rialto – Advanced Usage
A new Android text styling library based upon Annotation Spans. Rialto enables you to provide consistent text formatting throughout your app by using annotations in your string resources. In this article we’ll look a little deeper in to some of the more advanced aspects of using Rialto. Although even the advanced stuff isn’t particularly complex!
Rialto – Getting Started
I am extremely pleased to release Rialto: A new Android text styling library based upon Annotation Spans. Rialto enables you to provide consistent text formatting throughout your app by using annotations in your string resources. In this article we’ll look at how to get started using Rialto.
AnnotationSpans – Part 2
I recently read a blog post on the Android Developers blog by Florina Muntenescu from which I learned about a really interesting technique for applying spans to text. I was even more surprised to learn from Florina that the API in question has been there since API 1. As I was unaware of this incredibly…
AnnotationSpans – Part 1
I recently read a blog post on the Android Developers blog by Florina Muntenescu from which I learned about a really interesting technique for applying spans to text. I was even more surprised to learn from Florina that the API in question has been there since API 1. As I was unaware of this incredibly…