In the previous article we got our FastScroller control framework in place. In this concluding article in this series we’ll add touch and scrolling behaviours.
Author: Mark Allison
RecyclerView FastScroll – Part 1
In the previous series we looked at how we could get smoothScrollToPosition() working in a timely manner when using LinearLayoutManager with a large data set. An alternative UX approach to using smoothScrollToPosition() which may be applicable in some use-cases is to avoid smooth scrolling altogether and use the fast scroll behaviour which has long been…
Scrolling RecyclerView – Part 3
In the previous article we did an exploration in to how smooth scrolling in LinearLayoutManager is performed in order to understand why calling smoothScrollToPosition() on RecyclerView does not permit us to specify a duration for the scroll. In this article we’ll look at how we can customise this behaviour given we understand how the list…
Scrolling RecyclerView – Part 2
In the previous article we got a basic RecyclerView with a large data set working and found that the smoothScrollToPosition() behaviour worked well when moving relatively small amounts, but was far too slow to be usable when moving much larger distances. In this article we’ll explore why this is by taking a deep dive in…
Scrolling RecyclerView – Part 1
In this series of articles we’ll take a look in to scrolling behaviour of RecyclerView, and discover some oddities that may crop up, and some options for fixing them.
Floating Action Button – Part 3
In the previous article we animated our Floating Action Button between two states and in this concluding article we’ll create some mini actions which will be shown and hidden depending on the state of the FAB itself.
Floating Action Button – Part 2
In the previous article we constructed a simple implementation of a Floating Action Button which conformed to the material design guidelines in terms of being elevated above the background (with the appropriate shadow) and rising to meet your finger when it is touched. In this article we’ll turn our attention to animating the icon to…
Floating Action Button – Part 1
One of the many new design patterns introduced as part of material design is the Floating Action Button. However, at the time of writing, there is isn’t a control baked in to Android to achieve this, so in this series we’ll look at how to implement a FAB which conforms to the material guidelines.
VectorDrawables – Part 4
Previously in this series we’ve looked at how we can create VectorDrawables and animate path groups, and also animate the rendering of the paths. However, there is even more that we can animate by actually modifying the SVG path data itself, and in this concluding article in this series we’ll look at how we can…
VectorDrawables – Part 3
Previously in this series we’ve looked at how to implement a VectorDrawable using SVG path data and then apply some simple animations to individual component path elements. In this article we’ll take the animations a step further and look at how we can actually animate the contents of the path elements.