Navigation Drawer – Part 3

In the previous article we began hooking our navigation drawer up to the ActionBar by connecting up the Up/Home button. In this concluding article we’ll change the ActionBar title, and hide any content-specific menus when the drawer is open.

Styling the ActionBar – Part 4

In the previous article in this series we applied a style to the navigation Spinner and its associated drop down ListView, but found that this style did not get applied to the Spinner that we added manually using the actionViewClass attribute of the MenuItem definition in our menu XML. In this article we’ll find out…

Styling the ActionBar – Part 1

Recently on Styling Android we’ve been looking at the ActionBar, but this would not be complete without having a look at how we can customise the look and feel of our ActionBar. Up to know the stuff that we’ve looked at on ActionBar has been relatively straightforward, however getting the styling right can be a…


Following on from the recent series on basic ActionBar, we’ll now have a look at concept which can really make our ActionBar even more powerful: ActionMode.

Basic ActionBar – Part 5

In the previous article we looked at using different controls in our ActionBar to provide custom behaviour. That’s all well and good, but suppose we actually want to do something a little more complex? In this article we’ll have a look at how we can use custom layouts within our ActionBar.