ShapedBottomNavigationView – Part 2

Sometimes we have designs which are not possible using the Framework or Material Components widgets as-is. While we can subclass those widgets to adapt them, there can sometimes be some hidden pitfalls along the way. In this article, we’ll examine such a case and see how careful use of the available tools can simplify our…

ShapedBottomNavigationView – Part 1

Sometimes we have designs which are not possible using the Framework or Material Components widgets as-is. While we can subclass those widgets to adapt them, there can sometimes be some hidden pitfalls along the way. In this article, we’ll examine such a case and see how careful use of the available tools can simplify our…

BottomNavigationView: Animating Icons

There is an occasional series on Styling Android which covers techniques for creating Animated Icons as AnimatedVectorDrawable and AnimatedStateListDrawable. These are quite easy to use when using them inside a standard ImageView, but there can be other scenarios where they can be a little trickier to get working, and one of those is in the…


Version 25.0.0 of the Design support library was published by Google in October 2016 along with the release of the Nougat 7.1 developer preview. A new widget that was introduced in that release named BottomNavigationView which provides a simple way to implement the bottom navigation bar pattern which has been added to the Material Design…