RecyclerView is a really useful way of displaying content in list form, particularly when the content is dynamic and / or there are large numbers of items. One thing that can be really useful is that we get some really nice animations for free provided we implement our Adapter correctly. For those that have converted…
Category: Adapter
RecyclerView Animations – Moving Items
RecyclerView is a really useful way of displaying content in list form, particularly when the content is dynamic and / or there are large numbers of items. One thing that can be really useful is that we get some really nice animations for free provided we implement our Adapter correctly. For those that have converted…
RecyclerView Animations – Add & Remove Items
RecyclerView is a really useful way of displaying content in list form, particularly when the content is dynamic and / or there are large numbers of items. One thing that can be really useful is that we get some really nice animations for free provided we implement our Adapter correctly. For those that have converted…
Data Binding – Part 1
At Google I/O 2015 a number of new Android libraries and tools were announced. One of them was the all new Data Binding library and in this series we’ll take a look at the library and explore some of the powerful features it provides.
Scrolling RecyclerView – Part 3
In the previous article we did an exploration in to how smooth scrolling in LinearLayoutManager is performed in order to understand why calling smoothScrollToPosition() on RecyclerView does not permit us to specify a duration for the scroll. In this article we’ll look at how we can customise this behaviour given we understand how the list…
Scrolling RecyclerView – Part 1
In this series of articles we’ll take a look in to scrolling behaviour of RecyclerView, and discover some oddities that may crop up, and some options for fixing them.
Material – Part 8
Previously in this series we’ve looked at a number of different things that we can do to begin applying some principles of material design to our apps. In this concluding article in this series we’ll turn our attention to Activity transitions which are an important part of material design as they are designed to provide…
Material – Part 7
In the previous article we began looking at how RecyclerView makes life an awful lot easier when dragging list items to alter their position. We looked at how we can generate a bitmap of the view that we want to drag, and promote it to an overlay layer so that we can move it around…
Material – Part 6
Previously in this series we have applied basic Material design to a simple RSS reader app, and most recently we converted our ListView to the new RecyclerView. However, at the conclusion of the previous article, we had completed this migration but the net result in terms of UI was zero – the behaviour was exactly…
Material – Part 5
The the previous article we began the migration from ListView to RecyclerView by moving our Adapter implementation to RecyclerView.Adapter. In this article we’ll complete the migration and also find one small, but easily resolved problem along the way.