As I write, it is less than two weeks since Google announced Android 4.4 KitKat. There are quite a few new APIs in this version of Android, and in this series we’ll have a look at the all-new Transition Animations.
Author: Mark Allison
ActionBarCompat – Part 5
Previously in this series we have worked through porting the existing ActionBar tutorial code to work with ActionBarCompat and therefore be compatible with Android API 7 and later. In this concluding article of the series we’ll compare the example app on both API 7 and API 18 devices to see the differences in UI that…
ActionBarCompat – Part 4
In the previous article we began converting our code to work with ActionBarCompat, but there are still some further changes required to get things working. In this article we’ll complete the code migration.
ActionBarCompat – Part 3
In the previous article we converted our resources for the code from the previous ActionBar series to use ActionBarCompat. In this article we’ll have a look at the Java code and begin looking at the changes that we need to make it backwardly compatible to API level 7 using ActionBarCompat.
ActionBarCompat – Part 2
In the previous article we began converting the existing project from the Styling Android series on ActionBar to use the ActionBarCompat library. Once we had got a Gradle build working, we found that we had a lot of resource errors once we switched the compiler to compile against API 7. In this article we’ll look…
ActionBarCompat – Part 1
Back in August 2012, the first article in a series of 12 was posted to Styling Android which provided an in-depth look at the ActionBar. It had been rumoured for a while before I/O 2013 that Google were working on a compatibility library for ActionBar, and this was duly announced at I/O. In this series…
Gradle Build – Part 9
In the previous article we defined a simple build task, but it was of limited use because it could only be invoked as a standalone task. In this article we’ll see how we can attach it to the build lifecycle.
Gradle Build – Part 8
Previously in this series we’ve looked at various aspects of the new Android Gradle build system. But what happens if the Android tools do not quite do what we require? In this article we’ll have a look at how we can extend and customise the Gradle build process.
Gradle Build – Part 7
Previously in this series we’ve looked at various aspects of the Android Gradle build some of which are features of Gradle itself, but others which are specific to the Android build toolchain that has been developed on top of that. In this article we’re going to look at a feature that most definitely falls into…
Gradle Build – Part 6
Previously in this series we’ve looked at various aspects of the Android Gradle build system and how we can adapt things in various ways. But what about if we want to convert our existing projects to use the Gradle build system? In this article we’ll do precisely that.