Rialto: Downloadable Fonts

Rialto is a new Android text styling library based upon Annotation Spans. Rialto enables you to provide consistent text formatting throughout your app by using annotations in your string resources. Previously we have looked at how to use Rialto, some of the features added to V1.1.0, and I am extremely pleased to release Rialto 1.2.0…

Oreo Notifications: Channels – Part 2

In what seems to be an annual traditions for Styling Android, we’er going to look at the changes to Notifications in the latest version of Android which is, at the time of writing, Oreo 8.1 (API 27). While there aren’t widespread changes to Notifications as there have been in previous Android versions, there are some…

Oreo Notifications: Channels – Part 1

In what seems to be an annual traditions for Styling Android, we’er going to look at the changes to Notifications in the latest version of Android which is, at the time of writing, Oreo 8.1 (API 27). While there aren’t widespread changes to Notifications as there have been in previous Android versions, there are some…

Downloadable Fonts

Fonts have received a lot of love from Google in Android O. We’ve already looked at the new custom fonts support which is now backwardly compatible thanks to its inclusion in support library compat v4. However there is another facet to the new fonts support which is really useful: Downloadable Fonts. In this article we’ll…

Adaptive Icons and more

One of the new features in the Android O developer preview is Adaptive Icons. While it will be a long time before may of us will be in a position to specify minSdkVersion 26, this is actually one of those feature that we can implement now and it will benefit users as and when they…

Fonts (revisited)

In a previous series we took an early look at the new font support coming in Android O. At Google IO 2017 the new font support was formally announced, and in this article we’ll take a look at what has changed since the original series.

Android O: Fonts – Part 2

In March 2017 Google announced the first release of the Android O developer preview. In this occasional series, we’ll look at some of the new features being introduced in Android O. In this article we’ll look at something very close to my heart: Better font support. In the previous article in this series we looked…

Android O: Fonts – Part 1

In March 2017 Google announced the first release of the Android O developer preview. In this occasional series, we’ll look at some of the new features being introduced in Android O. In this article we’ll look at something very close to my heart: Better font support.