VectorDrawables – Part 1

One of the really exciting new features in Lollipop is the inclusion of VectorDrawable and some associated classes which provide some extremely powerful new options for adding complex vector graphics as paths (which will scale across form-factors, screen sizes, and densities much better than bitmaps), and provide some equally powerful tools to animate them. In…

Ripples – Part 3

Previously in this series we’ve looked at the ripple effect touch feedback which was introduced in the Android-L developer preview, and looked at how we can define ripples, and also integrate them with existing background drawables. In this concluding article we’ll look at styling our ripples.

Ripples – Part 2

In the previous article we began looking an RippleDrawable which was introduced in the Android-L developer preview. In this article we’ll look at ways in which we can control the look of our Ripple.

Ripples – Part 1

At the time of writing, Google have recently announced the Android L Developer Preview which is a foretaste of some of the goodies coming in the full L release of Android. Over the coming weeks and months we’ll be covering a number of the new APIs and features being added in API 21. To start…

App UI / UX – Part 1

In the previous series on Bluetooth LE we got a simple app working which read temperature and humidity values from a Texas Instruments SensorTag, and displayed them. Functionally the app worked quite well but, because the series was focused on BLE topics, we neglected the UI somewhat. In this series we’ll take a look at…

Dynamic Icon – Part 2

In the previous article we got a basic app set up and got our images set up ready to create an image in which part of the colour could change depending on the values of three SeekBars representing the red, green, and blue components. In this article we’ll look at how we actually apply those…

Dynamic Icon – Part 1

Recently in my day job for Byte Squared I wanted to have an ImageButton in which a part of the image should change colour to match the a value selected by the user. In other words the icon needed to change dynamically. In this series of articles we’ll look at a method of achieving this.

More Drawables – Part 1

In recent articles on Styling Android I have diverged a little from pure UI and covered some more subtle aspects to improve your UX. In this series we’re going to return to something that was covered in the very first post to Styling Android: Drawables. Previously we have looked at how shape drawables can be…