Material – Part 4

Previously in this series we’ve looked at applying some aspects of Material design to our simple RSS app. In this article we’re going to look at replacing our ListView implementation with RecyclerView. While this won’t have any effect of the user, it will be an enabler which will allow us to apply some more material…

Material – Part 2

In the previous article we got a simple app working which is a simple RSS viewer showing a list of recent Styling Android posts, and a detail view when you click on them. In this article we’ll look at applying some material design principles to the app and also try and make it backwards compatible…

Material – Part 1

At the time of writing, the full Lollipop SDK has just been released including new versions of the support libraries which provide some backwards compatibility for implementing material design in to older apps. In this series we’ll take a look at how we can actually apply this to an app.